Plumbing prices and costs in the UK 2021

Plumbing prices and costs in the UK 2021

Updated on: 14/03/2022

Plumbing can be extremely tricky and mistakes can cause thousands of pounds worth of damage and some major inconvenience, so make sure you hire a professional plumber.

How much do plumbers charge?

The cost to repair plumbing issues depends on the job size. The bigger the job, the higher the cost. Drain cleaning or fixing a leaky faucet costs between £100-£250 on average. For bigger jobs, such as repairing a leaking pipe, estimate to pay £160–£310. Read our plumbing repair cost guide for more details.

Plumbing is one of the most varied trades, as it demands a wide range of capabilities and great technical knowledge. A plumber’s job is not always as easy as fixing a leaking tap. Plumbers are often called to deal with complicated problems such as repairing leaking pipes and installing new appliances.

Plumbing costs are difficult to estimate as every job is different. Certain jobs will require a certain amount of time, and the plumber will quote you accordingly. In general, plumbing prices will depend on:

  • Type and size of the plumbing job
  • Where you live
  • Plumbing materials needed to complete the job
  • Whether the plumber charges per hour or provided based on a fixed
  • Is it an emergency? Weekend and public holiday rates per hour will cost you more=-oi

Common plumbing problems

A blocked toilet or blocked pipe is one of the most common plumbing problems and one of the most horrible. Although who can move some blockages with a plunger, some are not easily shifted and can create a horrible smell, meaning a plumber will have to be called in to shift the blockage. Likewise, blocked pipes cause water to move slowly down the plug hole, leading to stagnation and smell. Oil and food are usually the culprits of these problems.

Leaky taps can waste a lot of water over a surprisingly short time. If the water bill doesn’t get to you first, the sound of the dripping tap may drive you insane. These can thankfully usually be fixed simply by tightening a washer, so it’s best to get them fixed as soon as possible.

Noisy pipes, usually caused by a loose ball valve vibrating in the pipe, are also prevalent plumbing issues. The most common way to fix this is to replace the valve, which most plumbers should do.

How much do plumbers charge per hour?

This will be dependent on your location and the time of day and night. The average hourly rate for a plumber in the UK is between £40 and £60.

What is the plumber’s daily rate?

Plumbers charge per day from £320-£375 + VAT. in the United Kingdom. However, if your job involves an installation, expect to pay £400-£475 + VAT.

Labor costs for plumbers

The rates for plumbers vary significantly and depend on if a plumber charges by the hour or by the project cost. Always get a quoted price so you can budget for the plumbing costs. It is common for repairs to be charged at an hourly rate. Ask the plumber how long a job like this would normally take him, and this will give you the price the job may cost.

Plumbers usually have a minimum charge known as “call-out fee” or a fee equivalent to an hour’s work. Additional time is charged either per hour, per half hour, or fifteen minutes. The average hourly rate is £40 per hour in the UK. However, depending on your location and the size of the company you will hire, expect to pay 10%-30% more.

As a general rule of thumb, plumbing prices are lower by 30% if you live in areas outside the south. In addition, keep in mind that sole traders tend to charge less than any medium or small-sized company. For evening work and weekends, expect to pay 50% more.

ACO drain price guide

The average cost of ACO drain installation ranges from £190 to £450. However, depending on where you line and how difficult the job is, you can end up paying as little as £40.

ACO drains are designed to funnel any water away from a property and prevent flooding. These are good drains for sloping blocks and in areas that are prone to flooding. The price will depend on the size of the drains and the material used.

How much does it cost to unblock a drain?

Blocked drains can be a serious issue over time and cause flooding and dampness that penetrates your home. A plunger easily and quickly clears a minor blockage, but a more serious blockage will need the services of a qualified plumber. The prices will vary depending on the size and location of the blockage.

The average cost to unblock a drain: £150 – £200

How much does a CCTV drain survey cost?

If you are constantly having problems with blocked drains, you will need a CCTV survey to determine the cause. A professional plumber will insert a camera inside the drains to find the cause.

Average CCTV survey cost: £95

How much does drain lining cost?

Drain lining is applied to drains and pipes to increase their life span and repair minor cracks and holes. Get a professional plumber who will install the lining without taking the pipes apart. Prices vary depending on the length of pipes being lined.

The average cost of 10 meters of drain lining: £900

How much does drain cleaning cost?

Always hire a professional to clean out the drains on your property as they will use the proper equipment and cleaners. They will also advise you of any other work that is needed.

Drain cleaning prices

Initial inspection can cost up to £150

The plumbing cost of unblocking a toilet can cost around £100 – £150

The plumbing costs for a system scrub and clean of your gas central heating system costs on average £450

Steel and copper pipe prices

Price Range = £2.66 to £6.72 Average Cost = £4.91 Cheapest Price = £2.66

If you are building a home, adding a bathroom, or replacing old plumbing, it will need to have new pipes laid. Pipes are made of different materials, but the best to use are steel or copper pipes. Galvanized steel pipes are hard-wearing and will last a long time. Steel is more expensive than copper, but copper is not as resilient as steel.

The average price of new steel pipes in a four-bedroom semi-detached house is around £20,117 for the entire plumbing system.

Average cost of installing new copper pipes in a four-bedroom semi-detached house is around £13,954 for the entire plumbing system.

How to find a plumber

Before you contact a plumber, it is worth finding the emergency water shut-off valve on your property. This may sound obvious, but some people have lived for decades in their house without knowing where this is! Shutting off the water supply will mean you can delay calling out the plumber, saving you money because you do not need to call them out to prevent flooding!

Finding a reliable local plumber is relatively easy. There are several directories and websites where you can contact them. However, it is worth making sure you find someone relatively close so that you do not have to pay extra to cover the traveling expenses.

Request plumbing quotes

When contacting plumbing companies, it is worth asking them what plumbing services they offer. For example, some may specialize in bathrooms and repairs, while others specialize in boiler installation or exterior drainage.

When you get a quote from a plumber, specify the kind of work you want them to do. For example, you recommend replacing the pipes in appliances such as dishwashers to prevent greywater from leaking from them (these leaks can increase the risk of sickness and discomfort, so this is worth doing!)

Emergency plumber callouts

Another factor to consider is whether or not you can get an emergency plumber to come out at short notice. Often this will be an additional charge, especially if they need to be called out late at night. If this is not specified when they give you a quote, ask them to explain this further (if they are hesitant to look elsewhere for a plumber who will properly discuss the details with you!

A good deal

As with any other service, it pays to compare carefully when looking for local plumbers. Friends and family can often help and point you to reliable (this is especially worth noting if the same person gets recommendations from various people!)

However, if you are new to a local area, you may not have friends or family nearby to offer recommendations. Fortunately, if you look online, there are various websites and social media to ask people in the local area to recommend someone for you.

In short, if you are prepared to do a bit of research, then you will find the right plumbing service in your local area to suit your needs!


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